Saturday, May 21, 2016

C021. Baer (p. 46). Mr. Rabbit Meets his Match Again
This is Chase021.

Types ATU0009 The Unjust Partner (given in discussion)
Motifs K1041 Borrowed feathers: dupe lets himself be carried aloft by bird and dropped
Baer admits this motif does not quite fit: "This tale is in the African and Afro-American tradition of rabbit avoiding work, then trying to enjoy the results of the work once the other animals have done it. He's not always successful, but he always tries."

For farming partnership, see Hausa story in Johnston, with Johnston's note: "Zomo, the Hausa hare, is unquestionably one of Brer Rabbit's grandfathers"

Baer also notes: "The partnership to farm is also common in Europe (cf. ATU0009 The Unjust Partner); however, it is not the focus of this tale. Buzzard's outsmarting Rabbit is."

plus Baer comments on Native American parallel: "The incident of Buzzard carrying Rabbit across a stream but stopping on top of a tree is comparable to North American Indian tales in which Buzzard undertakes to carry the trickster across a stream but midway drops him into a hollow tree (Mooney p. 448; Radin p. 20). These North American Indian tales seem closer to this tale in the relationship of the two animal characters and in this rare and temporary triumph of Buzzard over the trickster."

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