Thursday, May 19, 2016

C015. Baer (p. 42). Mr. Fox Goes a-Hunting, but Mr. Rabbit Bags the Game

This is Chase015.

Types  ATU1525 Master Thief

Motifs K0341.2.1 animal feigns death repeatedly and then entices owner from goods

Notes. Baer notes Dorson who notes Parsons' belief that "the tale is an incident in AT1525 The Master Thief, transmitted by Portuguese traders to Gold Coast Negroes." But Baer does not seem impressed by this idea.

Baer says Johnston parallels the Hausa tale of Jackal and Pagan.

Flowers has parallels under ATU1525, and Baer says "eight are very close to this with Rabbit as trickster and Goat or Zamba as the victim" and Baer concludes "this tale is a great favorite with West Indians and/or collectors."

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