Friday, May 20, 2016

C018. Baer (p. 44). Mr. Rabbit Finds His Match at Last

This is Chase018.

Types ATU1074 Race won by deception
Motifs K0011.1 race won by deception: relative helpers
Harris, Ellis, and Crane all mention African parallels, as do Smith and Dale.

Baer: "If more evidence is needed of the African origin of this Afro-American tale, Mofokeng has accumulated it in her discussion of the relation of the race motif to the tug-of-war motif and of tortoise's position as hero in African tales. She points to one clearly recognizable group of stories in which tortoise play sthe leading role; competition stories -- running, beer-drinking, diving, pulling tug-of-war. She further notes the close parallel between the Amazonian and the Uncle Remus versions of the race."

Native American: "Swanton includes five variants which are undeboutedly borrowings from the Negroes. Barnouw adds a Chippewa version and speaks of the widespread popularity of the tale among North American Indians from the Southwest to Alaska."

Baer adds: "In 1901 a Seattle attorney wrote to Harris that one more terrapin was needed in the race since in a five-mile race there would be six posts."



Better ATU number is ATU0275C, which is the Grimm hedgehog. Very widespread. (Klipple reserves 275 for the hanging-onto-tail trick in race.)

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