Saturday, May 21, 2016

C019. Baer (p. 45). The Fate of Mr. Jack Sparrow

This is Chase019.

Types (none given)
Motifs K0827.3 Dupe persuaded to sing (dance) on trickster's body; when he approaches the mouth he is killed
K0815 victim lured by kind words approaches trickster and is killed
Harris compares this to a Kaffir tale which Thompson lists as K0815
"With no parallels in Europe, but parallels in Africa and the West Indies, the source is most likely Africa."



I'm not sure about "no parallels in Europe" since the Johnny-Cake story has the deafness trick or something similar to lure the cake into the mouth:
Wonderful Cake
That is tale type ATU2025 (with the deafness trick at the end)
It also reminds me of the Native American stories about the dance-to-distract.

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