Sunday, May 22, 2016

C023. Baer (p. 48). Mr. Rabbit and Mr. Bear

This is Chase023.

Types ATU1737 parson in the sack to heaven
K0521.6 one animal esacpes by shamming as another
K0842.1 dupe persuaded to take prisoner's place suspended in air
K0527 escape by substituting another person in place of the intended victim


Harris received an outline of this story but "omitted the detail that Rabbit, as well as eating the peas in the pea-patch has been dirtyin the water in the spring. The latter detail is significant because it is often the reason for the other animals' displeasure with Rabbit in the African stories of the well."

Gerber cites variation African analogues, as does Klippe. Mofokeng has a Bemba variant "and observes that in the African variants, the dupe's motive is greed more than stupidity."

lots of bibliography here for African analogues to collect

Baer also proposes a new tale type (different from 1737) based on the collection of African materials: "While some of these elements are also common to European tales, the all-inclusive sequence is characteristic of African tales and of the West-Indian and Afro-American tales referred to under this tale-type, of which there are five Uncle Remus versions" - UR 29 Chase029, Nights 21 Chase055, Nights 32 Chase066, Told 12 Chase155, and this one, UR 23 Chase023.

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