Sunday, May 22, 2016

C024. Baer (p. 49). Mr. Bear Catches Old Mr. Bullfrog

This is Chase024.

Types ATU0122 wolf loses his prey: escape by false plea
Motifs K0563 escape because of plea that leaves means of egress open
K0550 escape by false plea
In the outline, "this episode is preceded by Bear setting Frog as a guard over Rabbit in the hollow tree, Rabbit escaping by blinding Frog with red pepper, and Bear's intension of killing Frog for letting Rabbit escape. ... Also, he does not include the very end of the written outline in which Bear throws the ax at Frog and the ax sinks, having missed Frog. I have detailed these omissions because they have very close paralles in African ales; also because they must be regarded as evidence that Harris did not use portions of a written outline until he had heard an oral version."

For variatns of AT122 see also Chase001, Chase008, Chase034, Chase046, Chase058, and Chase142.

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