Tuesday, August 02, 2016

C175. Baer (p. 157). Taily-po

This is Chase175.

ATU0366 The man from the gallows [rejected by Baer though]
K0745 victim burned in building

Parsons says she heard a variant on Andros Island.

Chatelain notes that "burning a victim in a house is a common theme in Angolan folktales"

conclusion: "Based on Parsons's references, this may be an African tale although I have not found African analogues."

she says Baughman has a West Virginia story about a man who eats tail of animal and then animal comes for him; Baughman puts that as ATU0366 The man from the gallows but Baer notes that is not appropriate.


I cannot believe that this is the only motif that Baer could come up with! It has its own Wikipedia article, and poking around it does look like 366 is the tale type being used both for Tailypo AND for Golden Arm...? for Chase107, which is Harris's Golden Arm story, Baer gives no tale type.

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